
2 January 2019

Platform Economy

The Platform Economy and Industrial Relations: Applying the Old Framework to the New Reality

This report analyses the interaction of new modes of work such as online platforms with unions and European models of industrial relations. It provides an evidence for workers beginning to organise into new/ incorporated into existing employee associations in the region. It concludes that either there is no overarching system to facilitate dialogue for this form of work or even the existing ones, if exist, are a poor fit.

This report analyses the interaction of new modes of work such as online platforms with unions and European models of industrial relations. It provides an evidence for workers beginning to organise into new/ incorporated into existing employee associations in the region. It concludes that either there is no overarching system to facilitate dialogue for this form of work or even the existing ones, if exist, are a poor fit.

by Karolien Lenaerts, Miroslav Beblavý, Zachary Kilhoffer
Centre For European Policy Studies
Employer Associations, Industrial Relations, Platform Economy

About the Author / Organization

Zachary Kilhoffer

Karolien Lenaerts

Miroslav Beblavý

Centre for European Policy Studies

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